Monday, July 23, 2012

The funny mind of a toddler

I love watching the mind of a toddler. Specifically  my 21 month old.  This is a recent picture of Charlie painting at the sitter's house. The masterpiece is now framed in the kitchen. But that's not the point of this post. I wanted to capture and share a very common conversation that occurs in our house AT LEAST daily...

This pretty much started a few months ago when we decided we were scared of all things that sound like a lawn mower. That currently includes the hair dryer, vacuum, lawn mower, and weed whacker. We are making progress. We aren't deathly afraid of the vacuum or hair dryer anymore but we still call them momos. And strangely enough the blender and food processors don't scare him.

Charlie (brows furrowed in question): "Momos?"

Me: "no silly, there's no lawn mowers! They went night night."

Charlie (grinning and shaking his head): "no momos. Wewa?"

Me: "no silly goose, there's no weed whackers!"

Charlie (grinning and shaking his head): "no wewas. Bow-er?"

Me: "no there's no blowers."

Charlie (shaking his head): "no momos, no wewas, no bow-ers. Night night momos. night night wewas. night night bow-er. Bye Bye momos."

We also like to go say "night night" or "bye bye" to the momos (in the shed or in the closet where the vacuum is kept) on a regular basis. In fact, as I sit here typing, I can hear Charlie having this conversation on the bed by himself. I think a motorcycle or plane went by and the sound triggered the idea.

So funny how a little mind works.

And not to be left out, here's a picture of Cole (also painting...ok and maybe sampling the paint as an appetizer):

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