Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lamb Stew (gourmet meal part deux)

I promised here that I'd show you how to use those delicious leftovers. Of course, feel free to eat it all just as it was cooked originally but I think that lamb stew is a close second in terms of delicious meals, especially in the winter. 

Lamb Stew

Lamb (leftover from here), cut in bite size pieces
3-4 stalks of celery, finely chopped
2-3 carrots, chopped
1 large onion, minced
3-4 potatoes (skin on), chopped in bite size pieces
leftover gravy
any other leftovers (like green beans, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, etc.) 

1) Saute the celery, carrots, lamb and onions in a little EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) just until they are tender (and mushrooms, green beans, or any other veggies if you are adding more)

2) Add the leftover gravy from the leg of lamb. This adds a ton of flavor to the stew! Then add the potatoes (but don't add the leftover mashed potatoes yet)

3) Add just enough water to cover everything. 

4) Cover and simmer 1-2 hours (basically until the veggies are done). And by simmer I mean not boiling but hot enough to be just below boiling. 

5) Add any leftover mashed potatoes if you have them, this helps thicken the stew. If you don't have any or it's still runny, in a small cup place a little water and some cornstarch or flour (the same type of "slurry" we did for the gravy here). Add just enough to make it stew like versus soupy. 

6) Add salt, pepper and garlic to taste. 

Here's a pic of mine when it was finished...if only you could smell this yummy goodness. 

Viola! SUPER easy stew! This freezes great. We actually ate a meal and then I took what was left of the stew and froze it in 1 cup containers so I could eat it for lunch as I desired. Sort've like my own frozen dinners if you will. I would serve this with some form of bread so you sop up the yummy gravy (that's a very southern thing). 

Bon Appetit! 

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