are days where you are just running on empty. I like to call those days “Just
Keep Swimming Days” because I say that over and over to myself. You’ll get that
reference if you have kids or are around kids on a regular basis. I seem to be
having a few weeks of that lately and just when I think it might slow, it gets
worse. But that’s just the season of life we’re in right now. As a working mom, it doesn’t help when so many
other things are pulling all your energy (especially mental energy) away from
what matters most. So for the days when I feel like I just don't think I have
it in me to read one more story; watch
Cars, Cars 2 or Monsters Inc. one more time; plan one more meal; or fold one
more load of clothes. For the days when I think everyone else has it together
and I’m about to snap.
those days. You know the ones.
1. I shall not judge my house,
my kid's birthday parties or my crafting skills by Pinterest's standards.
2. I shall not measure what
I've accomplished today by the loads of dirty clothes or unfolded laundry but
by the assurance of deep love I've tickled into my kids.
3. I shall not condemn myself
when I choose take out for dinner instead of cooking, even if it is back to back.
4. I shall say yes to blanket
forts and see past the chaos and the "to do list" to the memories we're building.
5. I shall surprise my kids
with trips to get ice cream when they’ve already had some today.
6. I shall not compare myself
to other mothers but find my identity in the God who trusted me with these kids
in the first place.
7. I shall remember that a
messy house at peace is better than an immaculate house tied up in knots.
8. I shall play music loudly
and teach my kids the joy of wildly uncoordinated dance. Can anyone say “dance
9. I shall remind myself that
perfect is simply a street sign at the intersection of Impossible and
Frustration in Never Never Land.
10. I shall remember not to
sweat the small stuff. It won’t matter in the long run.
11. I shall promise to love this
body that bore these two children, stretched skin and all.
12. I shall give my other mommy
friends the gift of judgment-free friendship.
13. I shall admit to my friends
my less than finer moments, for which there are many.
14. I shall say sorry when sorry
is necessary.
15. I pray God I shall never be
too proud, angry or stubborn to ask for my children's forgiveness and admit
when I’m wrong.
16. I shall try to remember that
it’s not always about having perfect manners all the time, especially with
boys in the house.
17. I shall love Jesus and pray
my children will see Him in me through my actions and words.
18. I shall love their father
and make sure they know I love and respect him.
19. I will make every effort not to be glued to my technology so my kids know I’m available.
20. I shall not resent that last call for kisses and cups of water but remember instead that when I blink they'll all be in college.