Just 2 months ago:
- still figuring out the whole rolling over thing. He is pretty chunky and would rather fuss if he got stuck than actually make the effort to roll over on his own
- would flop backwards sometimes and bonk his head on the floor. That really hurt his feelings!
- wasn't so sure about textures of different foods. He was pretty stuck on liquid baby food that he could just swallow easily. And if you gave him any solid he just played with it or would toss it off his tray.
- liked the idea of drinking out of a "big" cup but it mostly just ran down his front and he liked sticking his hands in it more, especially if it had ice in it
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Peanut (AKA Charlie) at 7 mos |
Just 1 month ago:
- figured out how to roll over and really liked being on his belly. Even started pushing up but got tired easily
- D-R-A-M-A-T-I-C about food texture. Stick a chunk of soft food on his lip and he'd dry heave and throw up until it was off. Got to the point he wouldn't even open his mouth unless he could inspect the spoon to ensure it didn't have any visible chunks on it. If it did, he'd push it away and clamp those little lips down tight. Waay too much drama for this mama and it sent daddy in to orbit when he'd be so dramatic (very scary for daddy to watch him dry heave). But
weI kept trying...afterall you have to learn some day. - And we have a WINNER! Graham Crackers were the ticket...eventually
- favorite part of meal time - the sip of water at the end in his "big" cup (still wouldn't touch a sippy cup). Most of it went down his front but we learned to actually sip some too.
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Peanut at 8 mos |
Just in the last 2 weeks:
- realized that texture wasn't so bad if you just
chewedgummed it in to submission (no teeth yet so "chewing" is more like gumming) so that opened a whole new world - Graham Crackers are still a favorite but we're willing to try chunky baby food and other table food within reason. Won't get all crazy and try anything but we'll try some things.
- began rolling and pushing in order to wiggle around to new places, but we still don't go very far
- can twist and turn and reach while sitting up with very few flops forward or backwards (i.e. face plants in to the floor)
- pushed himself all the way around the couch on the hardwoods to the front door. I about panicked when I couldn't find him and then heard him talking and he was across the room! We aren't crawling yet but we're figuring out if we push and wiggle, we can go backwards. Uh oh. I'm sure he'll figure out crawling right around the time I'm 9 months pregnant or just had the c-section and can't chase him around!
- decided that if he can't feed it to himself, he doesn't want it. Refuses to let you feed him unless you can sneak in a bite or two between handfuls of food he's shoving in. Do you know how hard it is to find food for a baby who has no teeth and can't really chew yet? Let me just tell you, there aren't tons of options.
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splish splash! bath time (last weekend) |
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playing on the table at the pool |
So little peanut is just growing and developing so fast. I just can't believe it some days! And to think we have baby Cole who will be here in just 8.5 more weeks. He'll be so little compared to his big brother. I'm having a hard time remembering those little days already. Of course Daniel will be entering his nervous dad stage. The first 4 months always stress him the most because they are so little and vulnerable. And me? Yep, I'm a little stressed about those sleepless nights AND chasing around an 11 month old. But so many other couples make it, so I'm sure we will too. Irish Twins - here we come! God has such a funny sense of humor. OK, I'll stop with the sentiments and the reminiscing...at least for now.
How about you? Do you have moments where you just can't believe how fast time has flown? Any good suggestions on finger foods that mush very, very easily?